Well, figured I should put up a big update on the current pollination run. The mod mac moonshine reversal was a failure, and the cherry pie x modified macberry moonshine males were tagged in to pollinate the room.
Here are the males I ended up using for this cycle.
#4 male -
#8 male
#10 male
#11 male
And of course- the Beautiful ladies that are now carring seeds off this hareem of males.
This is the Black Velvet pheno of the Dantes inferno - Clearwater buds breeder cut that he passed out.

Blackberry Moonshine Bx1 - my breeder cut. This one is the one in the RDWC system on the crop salt diet.

Ohio Deathstar-

Haole Moonshine #3 - this one is in soil

Haole Moonshine #3 - this one is in rdwc

Haole Moonshine #3 - this one is in soil

Haole Moonshine #3 - this one is in rdwc

haole moonshine #13 - in soil.

Mac Dragon - rdwc

and here she is in soil....

and heres the modified macberry moonshine - in RDWC - seeded with the bx1 seeds.
